Thursday, January 9, 2014

Secret Game Meetings: The First of 2014

Today a few of us went into this conference room... discuss something very important concerning the game we are currently working on. We pretty much brushed up on what the game is about, important elements, the characters and how they behave, the environments, themes, and a few puzzles. Why? Well... that's kind of a secret. However, if you study my past blogs from around this type of season, you might be able to figure out what we were really talking about in the conference room...

Here's another tease: I'm starting some SUPER early work on a project or two here...

We've got a birthday!
~Little Jackalope~


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the shout-out! The picture looks great, and yummy!

Katie said...

Yay! Maybe the computer screen icon?

Anonymous said...

My cousin Sally is having her 13th birthday on Monday, she is a huge fan of FIN do you think you could post her birthday on here? She would love it if you could :)