Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Update.

It's a sure busy Monday! People brought in some cookies and cupcakes to share (how nice!). There is a lot of things I want to mention, oh where to start...?

There is new carpeting in the entrance to our offices (and we can still smell the new carpet adhesive), I saved a ladybug's life, had a coffee meeting with Novel, there was an office shout-out email to an artist working on a very important puzzle (which I heard is quite intricate and it has been a battle with making it work without any problems) and he has done such a wonderful job! I had to snoop through the art files to find this mini game, it's looking great!

We have been busy with getting these games ready, especially with the Nancy Drew Mobile Mysteries: Shadow Ranch (iSHA), have you seen any of the new trailers and fun old time radio show for the iPad and Nancy? Don't miss out on that new series! Also, check out the new iSHA wallpaper to download from our homepage. Who-hoo!

Congrats to the sleuth(s) that solved last week's puzzle without hints! For those who have not seen the solve, here it is: [Each set is a letter found on the buttons of a phone; (3.2) refers to button 3, 2nd letter which is "E".] Here's what it says: [Eye Shadow].

February's only going to get better!
~Little Jackalope~

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